EFA Shorts Tour

Thanks to the European Film Academy for this rich and meaningful selection in a collaboration that honours ShorTS for the fourth year. There are five shorts in the programme: the seductive and courageous naturalness of women in the sunny Franco-Hungarian animation 27. The Spanish Aqueronte, a metaphorical navigation of space/time passages with a revelation of bodies and nature, and La herida luminosa about the brightly coloured Balearic holiday resorts rooted in the hearts of British teenagers. The Swiss-Colombian Flores del otro patio with queer indigenous activists against mining exploitation and the Austrian Hardly Working with a digital universe with workers under surveillance, prototypes of capitalist toil.

Maurizio di Rienzo


Monday 1 July at 19:00 at the Teatro Miela

27 di Flóra Anna Buda, F-H 2023, 10’
Aqueronte di Manuel Muñoz Rivas, S 2023, 27’
La herida luminosa di Christian Avilés, E 2022, 24’
Flores del otro patio di Jorge Cadena, CH, CO 2022, 16’
Hardly Working di Susanna Flock, Leonhard Müllner, Robin Klengel, Michael Stumpf, A 2022, 21’