Tutti i santi giorni

Italia / Italy 2011, 35 mm, 102′
Guido is shy, reserved, cultured. Antonia exuberant, sensitive and proudly ignorant. He is a night porter, passionate about ancient languages ​​and saints. She is an aspiring singer and an occupied in a car rental. Early in the morning, when Guido comes back from work, he wakes her up with breakfast and they end up making love. Every blessed day. They are the protagonists of a fun and romantic love story in a complicated metropolis like Rome, with common joyous and desperate neighbors, and with two families of origin that could not be more distant. A love that seems indestructible, as long as the obstinate thought of a child who doesn’t come, doesn’t set in motion unpredictable consequences.

Regia / Director
Paolo Virzì

Sceneggiatura / Screenplay
Francesco Bruni, Simone Lenzi, Paolo Virzì

Fotografia / Cinematographer
Vladan Radovic

Montaggio / Editing
Cecilia Zanuso

Musica / Music
THONY SM PPublishing (Italy) s.r.l., GDM Music s.r.l.

Suono / Sound
Dolby sr

Costumi / Costume
Cristina La Parola

Scenografia / Set Designer
Alessandra Mura

Luca Marinelli, Federica Vittoria Caiozzo in arte Thony, Micol Azzurro, Claudio Pallitto Stefania Felicioli, Franco Gargia, Giovanni La Pàrola, Mimma Pirrè, Benedetta Barzini, Fabio Gismondi, Katie McGovern, Robin Mugnaini, Frank Crudele

Genere / Genre
Commedia / Comedy

Produzione / Production
Motorino Amaranto, Rai Cinema

Distribuzione / Distribution
01 Distribution

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