The fragment of a family against the background of a sluggish and dormant nature, just like Samuele’s life. Samuele is a schizophrenic and completely mystified boy because of his father’s death, and stubbornly carries out experiments in order to become closer to him again. He receives support from…


regia / director gianclaudio cappai

sceneggiatura / screenplay gianclaudio cappai

fotografia / cinematographer andrea foschi

montaggio / editing sara pazienti (a.m.c.)

musica / music piernicola di muro

suono / sound dolby sr

cast / cast pierantonio di Gaetano, davide aru, sabrina santucci

genere / genre fiction

formato originale / original format 35mm – color

durata / running time 18’

anno di produzione / year of production 2006

paese di produzione / country of production italia / italy

produzione / production hirafilm

The fragment of a family against the background of a sluggish and dormant nature, just like Samuele’s life. Samuele is a schizophrenic and completely mystified boy because of his father’s death, and stubbornly carries out experiments in order to become closer to him again. He receives support from Fabrizio, who brings him the necessary dead little animals every day. With the pure and dejected innocence typical of children, Samuele thus believes to be less lonely.



Gianclaudio Cappai was born in Cagliari, Sardinia, in 1976. He obtained his diploma in film directing and screenwriting at the “Accademia internazionale per le arti e le scienze dell’immagine”, the International Academy of Image Sciences and Arts in L’Aquila. He now works and lives in Rome. He wrote some stories and reviews for various Internet websites and journals and directed some short films. “Purché lo senta sepolto” was won the audience award “Achille Valdata” at the 2006 Turin Film Festival.


2006 Purchè lo senta sepolto (corto, short); 2005 L’incosciente Cristo di paglia (corto, short); 2004 tre maschere ancora (corto, short); 2002 Voce del verbo morire (corto, short).


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